Relief World News


A €4.5 million contribution from the European Union has enabled the United Nations World Food Programme to provide vital support to extremely vulnerable people in four areas of Niger which are reeling from multiple shocks, including climate change, conflict and the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.

Funds from the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department (ECHO) have allowed WFP to provide unconditional food and cash distributions throughout 2020 in four of the most food-insecure are-as of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua and Tillaberi regions. The distributions targeted refugees living outside of camps, internally displaced people, host communities and returnees.

The ECHO funds also allowed WFP and partners to provide an additional three months of assistance to newly returned refugees, and help the most vulnerable people in conflict-hit areas get through the lean season between harvests, and recover from recent floods.

“Last year has been particularly challenging, with the COVID-19 pandemic, floods, a difficult lean season and insecurity creating additional emergency needs across the country,” said WFP Niger Representative and Country Director Sory Ouane. “As usual, the ECHO funding contributed tremendously to save thousands of people affected by hunger and conflict.”

By contributing to stabilizing and improving the food and nutrition security of those on the edge, the EU funds have also helped bolster people’s resilience to shocks.

Source: WFP

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