Due to the climatic conditions in Somaliland, precipitation generally occurs in the form of “Heavy Downpour,” and floods hit especially the settlements on the banks of streams. The motor pumps and irrigation pipes of many farmers drifted away in the flood that occurred in Somaliland last year, and farmers who grew vegetables on their small lands on the banks of streams in Sanaag and Sool suffered financial loss.
TİKA aims to support low-income producers and contribute to the sustainability of irrigated farming in Sanaag, which has abundant groundwater resources and is the leading region in vegetable production, by providing motor pumps and irrigation pipes to 60 farmers living in the region. The project also aims to contribute to the elimination of the problems with water extraction and ensure the widespread use of modern agricultural equipment.
The distribution ceremony held in Erigabo was attended by Minister of Agriculture of Somaliland Ahmed Mumin Seed, Governor of Sanaag Region Ahmed Osman Hasan, Mayor of Erigabo Ismail H. Nuur, TİKA’s Assistant Program Coordinator of Somalia İlhami Turus, and farmers.
At the ceremony, TİKA’s Assistant Program Coordinator of Somalia İlhami Turus said, “I believe that the efficiency of your production activities will increase thanks to the equipment brought from Turkey. As TİKA, we will continue to stand in solidarity with the people of Somaliland. I hope that we will support you through different and larger projects in the coming years.”
In his speech, Governor of Sanaag Region Ahmed Osman Hasan thanked the Turkish people and TİKA for delivering the equipment to farmers. Noting that the farmers in Sanaag, the largest region of Somaliland, can produce the vegetables that will meet the needs of the people of Somaliland when they are provided with technical equipment, Hasan said, “What I would like to say to the farmers to whom 60 motor pumps and equipment were distributed today is that this is just a beginning and that if you maintain this equipment and make the most of them, more will come. We hope that TİKA will increase its activities in the region.”
In his speech, Minister of Agriculture of Somaliland Ahmed Mumin Seed thanked the Republic of Turkey and TİKA for delivering irrigation equipment to the farmers in this region. The Minister said, “Sanaag Region is one of the regions with the largest and most fertile agricultural lands in Somaliland. In times of famine, we do not hear many complaints from this region as agricultural production is higher in this region than in others. Sanaag is one of the regions with the most abundant water resources. In line with the strategy of our Ministry, our aim is to have this region meet our vegetable needs. We expect the farmers who were provided with this equipment to make the most of this opportunity. As the Ministry, we will monitor the use of this equipment and conduct inspections.”